I really enjoyed the meeting I went to tonight there was just as many women there as men everyone was really nice and i even talked. I was made welcome and I enven cried a little. I will go back to this meeting next week and see if I can find anymore to go to. I am sober tonight and getting ready to go to bed.
good for you.keep going to them meetings a good thing to do.stay well and thanks for sharing.come back this is agreat place you will find some great support here.Iknow i do.
Did you get some phone numbers ? Very important.thank God for a day sober . Wake up and asked Him to help you stay sber for one day .and then you can thank Him again . Simple for now. I had to be just willing to believe.
I really enjoyed the meeting I went to tonight there was just as many women there as men everyone was really nice and i even talked. I was made welcome and I enven cried a little. I will go back to this meeting next week and see if I can find anymore to go to. I am sober tonight and getting ready to go to bed.
This is GREAT news, really fantastic
getting phone numbers and using them is a great suggestion by the way, and another suggestion I have followed with great success on more then one occasion is 90 meetings in 90 days, it takes 90 days to successfully change a habit (this has been scientifically shown to be true) so it is helpful on that level, as well as giving us an opportunity to shop around for meetings we like for later on in our sobriety when we don't go to meetings every day because our lives are so great and busy from being sober
Now this is just information, not an indictment, opinion, or instruction, just an observation, but the people who I have observed that go to one meeting a week in the beginning generally don't make it and stay sober, I don't know if it has to do with the commitment level, or our minds/obsession always proving to "win out" in the once a week folks, I seriously don't know, I think what you are doing is great, I am just passing along an observation
Like St Pete Dean says 19 out of 20 drunks that walk through that front door for the first time any more drink, what are you going to do different then the other 19? Like I say, not an indictment, just letting you know this is a deadly disease that is going to go to work on you now to convince you that you don't have it, the way we combat that is the 90 in 90 and getting a sponsor and working the steps
it's not the change that's painful, it's the resistance to change that is painful
a that is good loretta , really good. keep striving to seek help and to have the courage to ask for help and you will get it thru a sponsor with the 12 steps not only the amount of time they have, your sponsor will help u get in a support group keep your faith god bless / 1
-- Edited by Full Flight on Tuesday 7th of December 2010 11:53:08 PM
Trust god work the 12 steps keep god close Love the ones u got and pray for all those who need prayers, peace. God Bless !
I'm glad you enjoyed your first meeting. I was scared weightless and surprized how good it was in actuality, not what I expected. Around here other meetings can be different; I always get something from them all and can't say I've been to a "bad" one yet, although some were more challenging or less uplifting at times. I hope you make another one soon. Ask for some numbers if they are not offered to you. It's a good way to connect after the meeting and you can then ask other women which meetings they attend to scope your area's schedule out.
I didn't get any numbers but people did talk to me after the meeting and I found out there is one everyday except sat at noon in a town about 12 miles away plan on doing that on my days off. I will definitely go back to this next week. I do work day shift but I can go on my days off. And there is one every Sunday at the hospital in town which i get every other weekend off from work. I won't be able to take my son to the one I went to last night but I don't don't about any others. I am going to call what is called The H group tomorrow they will mail me a list of meetings in the area.
I went to meetings every day for the first few months and found that it really helped me build my network of sober friends and keep the program foremost in my mind. Now after about 10 months I go to about 4 meetings per week. Congrats on attending your first meeting!