Every new day that I get up my one wish is that I never get too big that I cannot pray and ask God for His will. Just like physical exercise for me is vital for my body, spiritual exercise through prayer and meditation is vital for my spiritual condition. My most neglected condition used to be my spiritual condition, because I was too proud and I suffered terribly for it. In retrospect, I should probably have spent extended times in prayer and fellowship with God. My life would have been so much easier to live and I would saved my family and myself so much undue stress.
Hi, We choose to heat with wood during the cold months. This morning I realized if I want to feel the warmth there are things I need to do. There is a process. This process started way back when it was warm out and I was gathering wood , knowing soon it would be cold. Gather ,saw , split stack, cover, protect. All the different sizes needed to start a fire. Careful now, to pay attention to the process. Read a book a few times. To build a Fire,,,, by J. London. I felt the truth, Do not take anything for granted. Much like my program, every morning during the cold months, my survival, depends on my willingness to follow a simple process. Not bad at all. Toad