Today is August 28, 2005 A Great Day for Recovery!
"A man never discloses his own character so clearly as when he describes another's." -- Johann Paul Richter
I was always so perceptive when it came to assessing the character faults of others. I could offer the best therapy and treatment to others; the best advice in the world. I was excellent at "pulling the covers" on a con-man --- but always I missed me! I never really heard my insights. I never followed my advice. I always minimized my character faults.
Usually what I saw in others was reflected in my own personality. The things I loathed in others existed in me. The anger and resentments came from a denial of self.
In sobriety I hear the advice of others. I don't always like it but I hear it. I give criticism and today I am growing in my acceptance of criticism.
In relationships may I see clearly my own reflection.
If I hate something about somebody, i usually have the same defect. Maybe to a lesser degree but it's there.
It's kinda like some allergies I have! Why is it I'm allegeric to the things i like best or taste best or that I crave?? See I guess we really like some of our defects