Last night I went to a different meeting, just fancied a change of scene. Met so many people there that I knew from roaund and about and the woman giving the main share is a regular at a meeting I regularly go to.
She started her share and I admit, I switched off within minutes. Then I heard her talking about her daughter 'the child of her heart'. That's how I feel about my son and daughter, so I paid attention. She shared on about her daughter, who died a few months ago and how the granddaughter is her last connection with her daughter. The room was so still, so silent, I looked around and saw the woman sharing had tears coursing down her face and 4 other women were quietly weeping.
What the lady didn't know was she was sharing at her late daughter's home group. What the 4 women didn't know was that this was the Mum of their late friend.
What came of this? One of the women was determined to make amends to her daughter sooner rather than later, another man decided he should make contact with his daughter, the lady who shared has expanded her family by 4, and me? I'm grateful my son and my daughter still draw breath.
It's not having what you want, it's wanting what you got. BB