Today was my regular birthday, turned 49, and yes next year the Big 50.
Spent it with my boyfriend--went out to a big breakfast and then came back to my house talked and worked on plastic models--then ordered food and watch the Nascar Race and then he went home.
There are friends and family already trying to make plans for next year, I warned them--better put a GPS Button on me--cause I plan on hiding so noone can try and give me a surprise party.
LOL happy birthday, Karen! i am past the 50 mark, so being 50 sounds young to me.... wishing you a happy birthday and another happy day of sobriety. jj
Happy Birthday! I hope you are gonna hide from the 5-0 cause that means the fourties were so fabulous. At least I have found this so, the best decade of my life so far. Today is what counts, I know you know it-glad you had a good day!