AA is a most powerful thing. So thankful I decided to come in. I go to 3-6 meetings a week and am still floored by the power they hold. The spirit is strong in these rooms. Never a bad idea to go to a meeting. I just needed to express this I guess, man is it good.
Meetings rock. at my home meeting it is like a loving family. we talk about what is working in our lives, what our HP has helped us get through without drinking, and we talk about the upcoming conferences and retreats and what "clicked" for us. the meetings are a wonderful place to share experience strength and hope, it is bound to help someone else in the room. We leave our differences at the door and share the Big Book, the daily reflection, share on a topic, or something that has been on our heart, and wonderful things happen... a time of refreshment, renewal, and refueling for helping others who want what we have. we are honest about our mistakes so others can avoid those same mistakes. we thank our HP for the daily miracles. yep, they rock. jj/sheila