Just a reminder for all of us that I wanted to share... I ran into a family friend today (who does not know that I am in AA) and it came up that his brother-in-law is dying. Apparently he had been a heavy drinker all his life, and severely damaged his liver. When he was diagnosed, he quit drinking, but the damage had already been done and his health has deteriorated, at first slowly, and lately rapidly. Due to reasons I won't bore you with he went from being too healthy to be considered as a liver transplant candidate, to too sick. So he is not eligible for a transplant and is currently hospitalized, they expect that he has only days to live.
Something to think about the next time you consider picking up a drink.
It is a shame to me that we have so much terrorism taking place by the disease of alcoholism and addiction, that destroys families, takes careers, takes freedom and kills 10's of thousands each year, and yet more is spent fighting terrorism on other fronts in a month than what is spent to address this public enemy in our own back yard each year.
Many more would surrender if they knew how to get off the battle field of this diease.