Just dropped in to see what condition your condition was in!!!! Been really running lately ,wanted to stop in and wish all a blessed and productive day! Another day to thank the God of our understanding for the gift of life,free from active addiction..I'll stop back in tonight and see how all are doing.!! IF GOD IS FOR US,WHO CAN BE AGAINST US!!!! :)
Selfishness-self-centeredness! That, we think, is the root of our troubles.
Nice Lebowski quote!!! My condition is pretty durn awesome, other than some mental weirdness that I think is just my brain recovering from being more or less constantly pickled for the last couple-few years. :)
Nice to see you all happyface!
"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle." ~Anonymous
I am home with a mild illness---missing the noon mtg. I would normally go to when I have a day off from work during the business week. So here I am, in the middle of the day! What a treat-it is a luxury and a joy to have an Internet "connection", pun intended. Take care, all.
Nothing to complain about or drink over...ceptin a third cuppa joe. Bless you all!! May the Highest of all Powers renew your fellowship and give you the most fartherly ((((((hug)))))) you've ever had.
Happy Morning! Loving these posts and couldn't have a more positive start to the day. It's Friday, I am about to have the fist cup of coffee for the day, and tonight I have a party to go to (with a lot of pregnant Mama's - so I won't be the only sober one!)...
Do something kind for someone today, tell someone that you think they look great today. Help someone in need.