Well folks after moving around this island for a few years I am finally back in my own community, have hi-speed again, happy, see my son regularly now, and still no compulsion to drink. Can't get to meetings as much as I would like, but go when I can. Resigned myself to sit back and just relax for now in regards to relationships, and concentrating more on my son. I seem to be happier giving of myself, than complaining why life is not moving in a certain direction. Hmmmmm, wonder where I learned that, lol. Anyways I saw a friend who I met in the program at our local store. She had stopped coming to meetings quite a while ago and is apparently going through some really rough times. We talk occasionally on Facebook. Today she came walking out of the back while I was waiting in line, and she was carrying beer. I wasn't uncomfortable with it because I have no idea who she is buying the beer for and don't really care. But she snubbed me. I gave her a big friendly hello and she then left after paying without talking. Guilt ? Embarrassment ? Anybody else ever run into the same scenario ? Just curious
I'm proud to say I am an Alcoholic, and my name is Scott.
If the plan for me is divinely inspired, no man shall find fault with where I am today, or how I got here.
Yes, God puts people in our path, and sometimes we are the ones he puts in the path of others!
I think you are right about the guilt and embarrassment, nothing there that you need to own.
A few years ago myself and 3 other guys from the program where playing golf at a course that was built around a neighborhood. We were waiting on the tee box when we saw a guy (who had been in and out) walking down the sidewalk carrying what looked to be a couple of wine bottles (we assumed he was comming from the store).
He seemed very disturbed to see us, gave a quick waive and then hurried along his way.
What's the odds that he would happen to walk past a group of AA's playing golf?? It must have really messed up his buzz.
The good news is the guy came back to meetings and has a couple years sober, it's a great story and we can all laugh about it now.
"There ain't no Coupe DeVille hiding in the bottom of a Cracker Jack Box."
I was recently on the other end of that... I was buying champagne to bring a friend for her birthday and was terrified I'd run into someone from AA at the store and they'd get the wrong idea!!
Great to see you back, Scotty & feeling much improved too. God blessing you & helping you grow all the while. Lovely to see you sober & enjoying your son. I know times were difficult for awhile. Well done coming through!
I'm not sure how I'd be if I went back out again. I'm sure it would be strange especially if I didn't want to live sober or the AA way any more. I'd be frightened of the changing circumstance disconnecting us or not being accepted as a person in spite of any of my decisions. I suppose respect in regards to any response would be the best way of live & let live.
Anyways, so good to see you. I hope you may share some more, especially with our newcomers :) Yours in recovery love & fellowhsip, Danielle x
Progress not perfection.. & Practice makes Progress!