I was laid off on friday. I have been really depressed. I will go file for unemployment tomorrow and then food stamps. This really sucks. I have one kid in college and one in 10th grade. I worked in the flooring industry so I am now a dislocated worker
I applied for the pell grant gov. stuff so i will be checking into that and any other programs out there maybe for single mothers. When I was first divorced I started taking accounting classes and I am thru managerial accounting. I would kinds like to work in a rehab, but either way I want to do something I enjoy. My work like has sucked for 2 years, getting more and more dumped on me to do cause they were laying everyone else off. Well now it's my turn. Darn!
Hmmmm....maybe your looking at a blessing but don't know it yet. Easy for me to say, but it might be very exciting to see where your HP is going to place you. It will be right where your suppose to be! I will say a prayer for you!!
Not to get too old-fashioned here, but your kids sound old enough to help out. The one in college may be on his/her own already, but if not, it may be time to start. Could the 10th grader find part-time work? At least to cover his / her own minor expenses? If you talked to them about it their maturity might surprise you.
Render unto Caesar that which is Caesar's, and unto God that which is God's.
I have usually found that when stuff like this happens that I end up in a situation some time down the road that I could not ever have imagined.
I could never have believed that a situation that looked dire could transform itself into something amazingly joy giving. It is only in retrospect I have realised it.
I truly believe that your HP has lovely things planned for you. In your post you indicate you were not that happy in your job anyway - and, although the financial stuff is difficult to deal with at the moment - I believe your HP will bless you with something wonderful.
I find your words here very kind and uplifting! You have SO much to offer. Lots of love always, Louisa xx