I am new to this, so bear with me. Really, I could use some help on using this forum. I want to get better, but I am afraid that I can't do it on my own. I know that it's not all about accepting, so I am also looking forward to giving.
Please, help me begin on this journey. It's not going to be easy for me, but I know that it will save my life.
Go to a meeting. You will find tons of people who know what you are going through and how you feel and care about you. They will talk to you as much as you want to talk and help you. I've been sober 11 days and I finally went when I realized I couldn't do it alone. Best thing I ever did. xoxo Amy
"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle." ~Anonymous
Welcome Tate! You are doing great and you are NOT alone. You reached out, so here I am. That's what we do.
Tate wrote:
I am new to this, so bear with me. We all were. There is no burden involved. You are helping me to stay sober today, more than you know at this point...but you WILL. If. Really, I could use some help on using this forum. You already did. I want to get better, but I am afraid that I can't do it on my own. We all tried it alone, but none of us can. That's why we do it together. I know that it's not all about accepting, Yes it is. Right now, it's ALL about acceptance. so I am also looking forward to giving. In time...and Time takes Time. Please, help me begin on this journey. That sounds like a prayer. It's not going to be easy for me, but I know that it will save my life. Yup.
I can't believe how much better I feel already. Is that possible?
You know, I would consider going to a meeting but now it's just one step at a time. I am an ex-pat, living abroad, so finding the right group (and in English) might take more time. Right now, it's about being honest with myself and exposing some of my problems.
Nope, its not easy. But you are so right ... it will save your life.
Whenever I have complained to my sponsor she will always ask me, " Did I ever tell you this would be easy? " And no, she never has.
Staying sober completely goes against my being an alcoholic. Alcoholics drink, thats what they do. But when it came down to it being a life or death decision for me, thank the Good Lord I chose to live.
I couldnt stop drinking or stay stopped alone. I need the program of AA along with its principals and the Higher Power that I choose to call God and the fellowship to help me along this journey.
It really is a great way of life and is free to anyone. I have to follow a few simple rules and I have to do the work that is involved. Some days are easy and some days its hard. It all depends on my attitude.
Welcome. If you cannot get to meetings, get a copy of the AA book and read some of the stories. Also keep posting on the forum no matter how you feel. We have all had our 1st day in recovery and we understand.
Hi Tate, I have found this group to be great and thankfully, super supportive. I started day one right here at this site just like you and I'm still here and sober! Come back tomorrow and let us know how it's going. -Angela
Welcome. Sobriety is not hard....Life is sometimes difficult and it's hard to face it without crutches. When you learn how to do it, it gets sooooo much better. In the place of using alcohol as a crutch, you will develop coping skills and become the person you are supposed to be. It is a wonderful journey. Keep it up and keep us updated.
Keep coming back. It works if you work it. So work it. You're worth it!
Tate, not sure about your situation with living abroad and all, but if you have a primary care physician, talk to him / her and be honest about how much you're drinking. Above a certain level and withdrawal symptoms can be physically dangerous. Some kind of inpatient or outpatient treatment may also help you. You might want to take a sabbatical from work and return to the US for this. To beat the disease, you have to be willing to go to any length necessary.
If all that's impossible, then coming here is still a HUGE first step. Good luck and keep checking in!
Render unto Caesar that which is Caesar's, and unto God that which is God's.
Well, DAY 4 and my first night out with others and NO DRINKS! I have to admit that I wasn't the only one not drinking, but I felt so good walking home sober and feeling strong. I know that it's going to be hard to convince others that I am not pregnant, but it wasn't as bad as I thought that it would be...
It was with co-workers, so I didn't feel the need to go into much detail. I do think that I will be faced with some closer friends this weekend, but I would rather still be out (I don't think that pubs are a good idea) and not hiding. Still getting the hang of this. I caught myself going through a list of possible excuses today on my commute. How do you all deal with explaining this to others?
I wasn't necessarily a heavy drinker, but someone who had 2-3 a day most weeks and much more on the weekends. Still, I feel like I am having some physical manifestations. It doesn't help that I have a serious head cold, but it does help that I want water more than any other liquid.
So... loving the support and couldn't wait to get home tonight and sign on. I hope that everyone is able to find some peace in their days today. Bless!
Thank you for the suggestions! I do think that I am focusing on the right things for healthy sobriety: water, sleep, good food and more walking around outside. Won't be back in the States until Christmas, where I do think that I will access the situation and see my family doctor then about my progress.
This first step is much less scary with a place to go like this...
welcome this is agreat place ,i have made it a must everyday and it really helps,tremendous counsel from all as it all comes from a sacred place called the heart.huuuugs you are worth it ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Attilio
Welcome Tate. I am new here too. I quit drinking about two and a half months ago and I relapsed. I'm so ashamed and mad at myself. I want this so bad but it is so difficult. I really admire all the people on here who have been able to stay sober, such amazing and strong people. I'm not going it alone this time, I'm not comfortable asking for support but I really need it. I'll help you as much as I can, keep up the good work. one day at a time, just one day.