Hi Ya, Last night I read during a local poetry slam. I was SO nervous! Lotsa big literary brains from the faculty of the local college. The crowd gave me high marks. This is what I read...
My Ex
I called up my ex-significant error, to make some 12-step amends.
The last time we spoke, I was all twisted on dope
and She said I dont think we should stay friends.
Id written down a list my sins, the short ones and the long.
She said, Stop you should know, That I forgave you long ago,
What you really want is closure of where we went wrong.
So I bit my tongue and prepared to witness my worst;
This reversal confession, of my past indiscretions,
Had the potential to seriously hurt.
She Said to me
In the event of a loss of cabin pressure, an oxygen mask will fall from the panel above you. Pull the mask to your face and begin breathing normally. Remember tosecure your own mask before helping others with theirs.
I had to take care of me, you big loveable douche!
She said without accusation, and in this situation,
I think we both found comfort in this simple truth.
So I asked what can I do to make proper amends?
She said remember to secure your own mask before helping others with theirs,
My Friend. And then this one...(warning - semi political)
A prayer
Dear God do you have a minute? My Serenitys jammed from all the crap thats stuck in it. Can you help me carry some of this please?
Do YOU really guide us or do we just represent, a part of some experiment, to produce the perfect cheese?
My first and foremost concern, is that you help me learn, to accept my fellow humans as you accept me.Keep me clear of the booze and drugs I want to use.I ask just another 24 hours of being free.
Dont let me forget this wisdom, that every bully is also a victim, acting out in not-so-quiet desperation.
Let Gays serve in the milit'ry, seems a natural fit to me: theyre accustomed to hostile situations.
Dear God please bless our petroleum wells, bottomless fountains of beautiful smells; the all-purpose carcinogen. Environmental injuries are far from over, Mother Earth forcibly bent over with greedy oil bnastards drilling it in!
God of the Muslims or is it God of the Jews? Are you God of the Christians? Who should I choose to avoid a lake of Fire!
Dear God this keeps me awake at night - if any one of those three is right then the other two are flat-out liars!
Maybe youre just my imaginary friend; an elaborate product of an ancient pretend with my hope as your voice.
Even IF you are the product my imagination, of all my possible fabrications, a loving Gods a good healthy choice.