Yes, for some of us there is a solution, but only by the Grace of God do I sit here writing this out, and we get sober, and begin to really be alive, but it takes me to the thought of how many Alcoholics never see the light of day, Think Dean writes about it being about 5% of the active alcoholics in our world...
For myself, two weeks ago, I was told to go to a Kidney Specialist, for a chronic low sodium level in my blood work, this Doc had me have a CT of my head and neck, for the pituatary, and also of the chest, which baffled me, that he was no including the kidney area....well I got a call from my own Doctor about the Chest showed that I had Lung Tumor, so off I go to a COPD Surgeon that preforms a Bronoscopy to see if it is Cancerous, and then to find out on next visit, yes it is, but too far inside the lung to then go get a full body CAT CT to find out if it is other parts of the body. Then, this morning getting another call from my favorite doc, that No it is not metastatic, and the best part, is I will only allow for Radiation, no chemo, (personal choice) and the very best state of the Art- UCSD Radiation Oncology is about 6 blocks away from my house, and the very very part, is they do have SUPPORT GROUPS, YEAH TO THAT, THE WORST PART OF THIS WHOLE THING WAS THE FEAR AND BEING SO ALONE...sorry I did not mean to start capitalizing....but if I can sit down and be in a room with people that are going thru the same thing, then I am no longer alone, and no longer sooooooooo friggen fearful....I Pray all the time. HE is there, right beside me. But do I still wake up in that undercurrent of fear, and panic just have to get up with the light of day, and begin Prayers. Then the panic goes.
This is not really about Alcoholism, but it is surely about one scared little alke.
I got prayers and support for you too girl...Like you I know that God IS....period and so I'm never alone. Hope the surgery is successful if you do the same for me too.
I'm blind in my left eye...cataract and more and a year ago was told that it was inoperable or correctible (I so never believe those statements). I did research and while doing that continued to turn it over. One of my friends in Al-Anon had the same problem come to find out and told me she was having surgery done to correct it. Of course I woke up to that and decided to go talk to her eye surgeon myself. Here's how it plays out now for me. I went in yesterday for measurements and directions and was given my surgery date. I am scheduled for Thanksgiving Day!! Now my wife did a bit of a stutter but I don't think she sees the significance of the day for me. I do and HP and I will be there to participate. I don't easily accept the picture of someone cutting into my eye and such but the definition of Faith as given to me in recovery takes the fear and anxiety out of it. "Faith is not so much believing without seeing (no pun intended) as it is acceptance without reservation."
I'd like to hear more about how you're doing on your journey. (((((hugs)))))