Aloha family...I spent part of the day at a "Day of Recovery" presented by a local substance abuse program I once counseled for. All of the fellowships + were there and since we are on and island most know each other and who we don't we meet, greet and exchange info in the hope of being cooperative in island wide recovery. I handled the AA PI table cause that is what I have volunteered to do as service to my district. We had food (free food...ain't that a trick?) and music and cultural display plus each other and it is all very encouraging for me and for our efforts. I missed the outside community and the public service people from the county and state and other entities. I'd like to get them to cooperate because we can all be a part of the solution...We say that we want solutions and AA has taught me "I have to walk the talk" not the other way around.
I try to encourage recovery everywhere I go and touch. I believe that it is a part of our 12th and declaration. The solution is in the giving back orther wise there is no solution only an inclusive fellowship. Bleah!!
I volunteered as the PI (public information) chair a while back and now have a handful (growing) who want to participate and have a go at our stagnate condition. I am encouraged and need to take my vitamins and keep up with the meetings so that more can come on board and our voice grow beyond a squeek.
When anyone anywhere reaches out for help I want the hand of AA to always be there and for that I am responsible.
Wonderful ! Thanks for sharing your service enthusiasm. It can be very, very humbling to give a little here and there . Not something we were accustomed to when we were drinking.
It is SO hard to get ppl to participate in service here where I live. I use to get so disappointed and frustrated. I dont anymore ... I just thank God that Im sober and able/capable of doing the work, and thank Him as well for the ppl that do show up to help or even the ones who just show up to listen.
Getting involved, being a part of, helping others and then going home at the end of the workshop, function or event with a feeling of gratitude is what its all about right Jerry ?
Excellent Jerry! I also believe service is the icing on the cake,We were able to surrender through God's grace and mercy,, to do the work a day at a time and top it off by giving back to others what was so freely given to us in some form or another.
Selfishness-self-centeredness! That, we think, is the root of our troubles.
Well Done Friend, I started service early in sobriety by bringing the the milk (well you cant have a meeting without tea)! moved on to chairing a meeting one Saturday night(on the advise of my sponsor) cos the guy who did it had been poorly and promptly made a right mess of it! not to be put off my sponsor asked me to do it the following Saturday and so on, i chaired the meeting for 1 year until i was replaced as in the guidance. The service i did that year helped me keep sober along with the steps and loooaaaaadddddsss of meetings. I am on the helpline now and every call I receive reminds me of the call i made to the AA one rainy night along time ago in so much pain and if the people on the other end of the phone hadn't done service i would be dead. Keep up the good work Nick
For me, doing the service is one of the best things in AA. It's helped me find where I fit in and helps keep me grounded. Thanks for what your doing Jerry!
I love service work, too. I just have to remember that service work is NOT 12-step work.
One alcoholic sharing with another is the real deal:
Practical experience shows that nothing will so much insure immunity from drinking as intensive work with other alcoholics. It works when other activities fail. This is our twelfth suggestion: Carry this message to other alcoholics! You can help when no one else can. You can secure their confidence when others fail. Remember they are very ill.
Life will take on new meaning. To watch people recover, to see them help others, to watch loneliness vanish, to see a fellowship grow up about you, to have a host of friends - this is an experience you must not miss. We know you will not want to miss it. Frequent contact with newcomers and with each other is the bright spot of our lives.