August 13 ...and third, having thus cleaned away the debris of the past, we consider how, with our newfound knowledge of ourselves, we may develop the best possible relations with evey human being we know. Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions p.77
As I faced the Eighth Step, everything that was required for sucessful completion of the previous seven Steps came together: courage, honesty, sincerity, willingness and thoroughness. I could not muster the strength required for this task at the beginning, which is why this Step reads "Became willing..."
I needed to develop the courage to begin, the honesty to see where I was wrong, a sincere desire to set things right , thoroughness in making a list, and willingness to take the risks required for true humility. With the help of my Higher Power in developing these virtues, I continued to move forward in my quest for spiritual growth. Daily Reflections p.234
The moment an individual can accept and forgive himself, even a little, is the moment in which he becomes to some degree lovable. --Eugene Kennedy
If we owe a bill and pay it in full, do we return to pay that same bill over and over again? If we did, someone would surely question what was wrong with us. Yet, how often do we ask forgiveness for the same thing over and over again?
How wonderful to know that we do not have to condemn ourselves, even for not living up to a goal we have set for ourselves. Once we say we are sorry, we need to be willing to forgive ourselves. After all, how else do we learn and grow except by mistakes?
When we have forgiven ourselves, we become free to take risks again without fear of unforgivable failure, and who knows what new successes we might attain?
Is there something I can forgive myself for today?
Easy Does it..Keep It Simple..Let Go and Let God..