I find it almost impossible to distinguish (without the pain of getting it wrong) where the line should be drawn between me practising growth in tolerance n patience and someone else leaning on me too much!! Is this just the way we all learn about personal bloomin boundaries n doing too much or not enough to help someone else - in AND out of the fellowship?! I find it's more difficult with people close to me as they don't have a clue about how this works and what's more they don't HAVE to 'grow' to save their life (which is something I am extremely glad of for me as I'm dam sure I wouldn't do it without the 'gun of eternal growth' at my head! lol). My partner is struggling with coming to terms with a sudden illness which means he can't drive for a while (possibly ever) - but we don't know that yet & as he doesn't live 'just for today' is chewing on the 'what if' bone like a good 'un! (bless him!). Now I've started typing, I could go on & on but instead, I think I'll just go to a meeting & ring an AA whose less blind than I!
Ha ha! why am I always surprised by how much better I feel just for sharing stuff with AA's - whoever you are! You people are the best!!!!!!
Sometimes while you are typing the answers come :) I always take that as a Godshot. I am in a similar situation with my sister. What I have found is that if I try and talk to her she won't listen, but she does see my calmness and faith and it really does rub off. Sometimes a little bit and sometimes a lot! I find myself being a lot more patient and tollerant when I just let things go and pray. And going to a meeting ALWAYS helps!! Good Luck and God Bless
When you water a plant, you are helping it to grow. But you need to give it time for the water to soak in, and let the plant drink the water for itself. If you over-water it, you will drown it.
~Your Higher Power has not given you a longing to do that which you have no ability to do.
When you water a plant, you are helping it to grow. But you need to give it time for the water to soak in, and let the plant drink the water for itself. If you over-water it, you will drown it.
I love that Joni. What a great way to look at it. Thanks!
Wow Thanks guys! Knowing I'm not alone is priceless!! Letting go and letting God! When I'd posted on here last night I opened my mail and there it was.... sept Share magazine with the words "A step in the right direction"!!!!! Ha ha! Then it just got better at the meeting - Step 11 - I heard the answer as to what to do differently next time read out to me!!! Plus the main share and a kind and unexpected few words from another member (who knew nothing about my 'stuff' at that point!!) restored me to a more realistic level of sanity!
Thanks mate, appreciate that cos I'm programmed to think it's just me that's 'useless' at 'grown-up' stuff etc etc. Knowing it is a difficult one for others too gives me a bit more perspective on things - perhaps I'm not doing too bad actually! X