im reading a great book at the moment written by an oldtimer chuck C. very enjoyable and totally relate good i can read about my disease today and not squirm, or throw the book away.
recovery is going well for me today when i am going with the flow of the tide, one of my defects is when i resist change is some area of my life i will always struggle, somedays i need to do that for a day or two but i dont like unnecessary pain anymore so wont endure it for too long :)
good to be sober today. my sister had a baby sat good to be able to get on a plane ina few weeks and see her, if i was drinking i would not be doing that.
hope y'aal have a good day.
life is a journey not a destination peace xx Trace
Trace, Good to hear from you and good to hear things are improving. Change has always been uncomfortable for me. I'd much rather have no ripples on my pond. But, what I've learned here in the program is we much change the person who entered the halls or we willing surely drink again and our lifes will not change. Nothing changes if nothing changes. Through the guidance from the fellowship, sponsor, steps and my HP; I'm now willing to change. With the willingness comes the promises and for that I'm very grateful. Thank you for the update and reminder today.
I'm not familiar with the book you mention, would you provide me with the title?
I just read that. I enjoyed his open discussion of spirituality and ego. It's heavy on the biblical references for the unaware. I did appreciate the application of various biblical passages/ideas to revelent areas of recovery. I liked the diagram that shows how ego can keep us out of the universal circle if we choose to let it. He says we can choose "conscious unity" vs. "conscious separation", and this is connected to the "golden key"-rigorous self honesty and conscience. The key is within, always there.