Well, I put my 2 weeks notice in to my brand new job I have worked at for a little over 2 weeks now. I do not have any unrealistic expectations that my boss is going to change. And I cannot change to meet the task, maning that I am unwilling to put up with the disorganization and often unsafe conditions there. Long story, but my sponsor helped me come to this decision. I have assistance right now from ex and family until I find an environment within my field that is tolerable. And thank God, I am in a field overflowing with jobs right now.
Being sober does not mean I have to, out of a sense of guilt, STAY where it is not healthy nor condusive to my doing the good job I was taught to and am experienced at doing. Being sober means being true to one's self, and in all TRUTH today, I had better move on!
I am glad I have done this. A little firghtened, but then that is what the 3rd Step is for. Giving it over to God.
thanks for listening. .... and still following that schedule, with some modifications made, of course. :)
~Your Higher Power has not given you a longing to do that which you have no ability to do.
You did what you needed to do and that should be liberating and of course frightening. That's ok. You need to acknowledge your feelings. I am glad you have the support from your X and from you family. These are hard times and it warms my heart to know you have family to help you. The right job will come. Faith gotta have faith!
Remember to take care of yourself; I mean take care of yourself physically and emotionally.
Brave. Excellent. You know whats good for you, and I am sure your ex boss appreciates the honesty! Its avoiding that type of long term stress that keeps us sane/sober. Tom
"You're in the right place. That's the door right there. Turn around."
We have been such close friends, in our writing to each other over the years, feel I know you pretty well, and when I did not see you Post, lost on the Radar, I had a hunch it was about your new Job.....
You putting your Sobriety and sanity in first place, and using the 3rd step.....
The other job you had, in the downtown office had so much disorginzation in it, and you put up with that for years, so this new one must have been a doozey....glad you will be free to pursue something that will compliment your sobriety, they are out there as you said, go get the best one for you.....
I worked as am employment counselor for years, and one of the things I always stressed before anyone went on an interview, remember, (they dont need to know) but you are interviewing them......not the other way around.....and it helps when we see the interview in that light....
That wasn't a reaction at all!! Good reprograming. I also learned that acceptance didn't mean putting up with unacceptable conditions and I also did a similar change in the last position I had...loved the job and didn't like the insanity. Turned it over also. HP was okay with it. (((((hugs)))))
Being sober does not mean I have to, out of a sense of guilt, STAY where it is not healthy
I apply that to every situation in my life today. For a longtime after getting sober I kind of carried a feeling of guilt that gave people control over me. I suddenly thought to myself one day....HOLD ON Louisa .....you are giving people power and control over you by doing that. I have made my amends to the best of my ability to those I hurt in the past - I refuse to make a lifetime's occupation of paying penance.
You were very brave Joni - brave re your job and also re your family. Accepting help also shows courage too.
Thanks all!! Toni, what you said there, "I am interviewing THEM as well" makes a heck of a lot of sense!! Wow!! You know, it was the same ex, family, and sponsor who all warned me to not take the first thing that was offered if it didn't feel right. Well, this didn't feel right or wrong, until I accepted the position and now I know better.
Also, there is a right way and a wrong way to quit. The old me (and the one who was whispering- no yelling- in my ear throughout the last couple of weeks) said, "Just tell him to F--- OFF and stomp out of there, cussing him out and slamming doors!!!!" ..... Nawwww.... now that just wouldn't be a joni-baloni thing to do today, now would it? It will be much easier to finish these 2 weeks out with the knowledge that it is not going to drag on and on beyond 2 weeks. Besides, he doesn't deserve a disruption in help just because I decided it's "not for me." No sense in making it hard on everyone else there, either.
BTW..... I am apparently on a long list of people who have lasted there less than 1 month... so I'm not taking it personally!!!!
Oh... and I started to feel last week as if the pre-divorce ulcer I suffered and was diagnosed with last fall was coming back!!! Yikes!!! I just don't need another problem right now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
~Your Higher Power has not given you a longing to do that which you have no ability to do.
Yeah...also God will was probably kicking in on you when you had that gut feeling of "this isn't for me." It's not like you have a hard time working so the problem would seem to be the job and not you.
Keep coming back. It works if you work it. So work it. You're worth it!
You're right Larry.... I just "acted" when I was in active alcoholism, like not just showing up, instead of giving notice.... not good. Thank God for recovery.
~Your Higher Power has not given you a longing to do that which you have no ability to do.