Just saying hello, I am currently dealing with some major issues, health crisis, heart problem, that started about 4 weeks ago when I had a very threatening trauma happen at my home late at night, which actually as it turned out, cause my heart to go into Arytmia, and now will have to be on this Major Heart med, with side effects from hell, but they are passing, the side effects, could not even write or see clearly for the last 2 weeks.....
Awe Life, just gotta go with and use Prayer and Meditation, and have to say the the Meditation and breathing can be a life saver....
Also have some family issues that measure just under 9 on the Ritchter scale, but again, just have to use Prayer, using Step 11, 24/7 these days, and thank God I remember that This too shall Pass...
Love God with every fiber of my being, and He will help me get through all of this, has never failed me yet.
So it seemed that I have been reluctant to put any of this on the Board, my thinking, gees, that is all you do these days, write about your problems.....
So if I wait til things are rosey and bright, how real would that be...
Welcome to all the new comers, do read the board three times a week.
And Gonee, please please forgive me, you have been on my mind, your the best, and to not sign in and wish you a happy 22nd birthday, did not like how that felt. you are the best of the best.
Anyway that all I got...
Love and Hugs to All of you.....and to all of the wonderful new people this Board, and AA are a way of life, that will reward in ways you never dreamed possible, working the 12 steps is the Way up and out of a life of hell with that bottle of whatever is you are now giving up. Praying for each of you.
Heart issues.......yep, they do take all your attention. Titanium valve here......it's been working great all 6years years of it.....!! As long as work out I really don't have to alter y diet!! Remember the heart is a pump.....they do know a lot about it. And even though it's called a medical practice.......and not a medical perfect.....they are much better at the heart than they are with other ailments or organs!! Sorry, your meds are making you feel bad. Hopefully, that will get better. I take blood thinner...and it is a drag sometimes!! A colleague of mine had his doc call 911 when he went in for an appt..now he has two stints and watches his diet better. God Bless you and yours....Praying for you and yours...I wish you all the best!!
Hi Toni, Missing you. You are always in my prayer. Thank you for your wishes. I know God will heal you, because you have a big heart. Take very good care of yourself. Kind regards, Gonee.