Highs Hu? I know I used to be pretty cocky when I was riding those pink clouds--thought I had the world by the tail and was rockin on. Then reality set in, and life on lifes terms stuff. ohhhh myyyyy Whatda mean I gotta change and work the 12 steps?? AWK!!!
The higher the cloud--the longer the fall-the bigger the bruises.:)
Have a nice day.
Easy Does it..Keep It Simple..Let Go and Let God..
My opinion: Ride that pink cloud and enjoy it, BUT be ready for it to turn black at any moment, be armed and ready to get thru till the next one shows up
Pink Clouds....God High....mind clearing from not drinking...what a great feeling! As the cobwebs start to clear out the mind and body start to heal and you feel on top of the world. This can last for as long as you want...you can keep that feeling by geting a sponsor, going to meetings and working the steps. When things pop up, you have found another way to deal with them...the "pink cloud" is finding that conscience contact with God by working the steps.
...As we felt new power flow in, as we enjoyed peace of mind, as we discovered we could face life successfully, as we became conscience of His presence, we began to lose our fear of today, tommorrow or the hereafter. We were reborn.......Alcoholics Anonymous pp 63
good to get the reminder about the pink cloud... i had not heard it for a while.
when i started the program i heard of it and saw it as a description what i was feeling sometimes as well as other newcomers.
it was a "relief" that life could get easier and more enjoyable. that we were making new friends and doing new things and getting involved in the lives of those around us and no longer having the misery and lonliness of the active alcoholism a day at a time
we were understood and we were beginning to understand that we had a disease and there a program for us to use
Hello from the good ole U-S of A, in particular the redneck state of Mississippi. even here way back in the sticks, where we have to pipe in pollution we have heard of the pink cloud.
Guess what? my sponsor told me a few years back, there was no such thing as a pink cloud!How about that. Floored me to! he told me and I have since come to believe, this is a state of grace given to me by God. During these times I feel so close to God my heart almost bursts. I know also this feeling of Grace is not given to me to keep, only to use so I can rest a second , catch my breath, refresh my memory as to what end I am working toward, get my bearings, shoulder my pack, Look up Smile and step back on the road that sometimes gets pretty Bumpy. if I had no periods of this State Of Grace, I would wonder to what am I working toward.
Besides My Ass is so Big I would fall through something so pink and fluffy
Hugs Bobby Dean
"Happiness is, When What you Think, What you say, and What you do is in Harmony."
"Mohatma Gandhi"