Some of you may remember that I asked for prayers for a friend who ended up after a drink/drugs binge on death row for 13 ½ years after being present at an incident which ended in the death of someone. I have today learnt that his sentence has been commuted to life. He would like to thank you all for your prayers - here are his words.....
"God blessed me with a life sentence, so it's time for me to give God all his Amen. Please tell all the brothers and sisters that prayed for me that I said God Bless them and thank you for lifting me up. It feels so good not to have that death sentence hanging over me. I'm so at peace now"
His HP is Jesus, I am still journeying towards my absolute concept......if ever! But seems both our wills were in tune with Gods!!! *Smiling* Thank you all! Love always Louisa xx
Thank you for the opportunity to share love, Louisa. God bless you all today. May your friend find the beauty of a loving life even in the space he's in. Never alone again, Danielle x
Progress not perfection.. & Practice makes Progress!
I'm glad that he is no longer facing the death penalty.
While we are at it, let us also remember to pray for peace for the victim's family. I work with a lot of victims and their families, and they suffer greatly, as well.
Thank you for reminding me to be grateful for my freedom.... "But for the Grace of God, there go I". Only God was between me and another when I drove drunk. Thank you God for always being with me when I needed you most! God Bless your friend and give him Peace!
While we are at it, let us also remember to pray for peace for the victim's family. I work with a lot of victims and their families, and they suffer greatly, as well.
I doubt there is a single loving soul on this board who isn't acutely aware of that fact.
While we are at it, let us also remember to pray for peace for the victim's family. I work with a lot of victims and their families, and they suffer greatly, as well.
I doubt there is a single loving soul on this board who isn't acutely aware of that fact.
I wasn't trying to suggest people here don't care. All I meant to say is that even necessary appeals that result in just outcomes tend to reopen the wounds for the victims and their families. It's something very close to MY heart.
I'm not trying to debate anything, I'm only asking for the same kinds of prayers for them.
wow what a blessing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Prayer works, it really really does! I am so happy for your friend, what a huge relief. I will keep praying for him!
~Your Higher Power has not given you a longing to do that which you have no ability to do.
(((Lexie))) I am quite sure that was not your suggestion. However, this thread was not about you or what is close to YOUR heart. It was merely a thank you to those who had prayed for a fellow alcoholic. Nothing more than that. There is no need to hijack it - anyone can start a thread.