when i first came into aa all i was obsessing about was how was i going to stay sober for the rest of my life..........at that wedding......at that party.......with men......
as i learned after not being able to listen for a long time..........
i dont have to drink for today..aug 23rd 2010, TODAY............my addiction is much more manageble for today.........sure i will get a meeting today and i dont want that first drink.......all the tomorrows take care of themselves...........and the amount up to days weeks months and years before you know. practising this programme in the now in the moment in the day.........its all i have because if i didnt change my thinking obsessing about the future i wud surly fall. its a real comfort to me today to keep my life, situations, challenges hurt pain misery in the day.............everything is manageable then!
life is a journey not a destination peace xx Trace
Hey there, Thanks for the words, sooooooooo true......... I worried about how others would view me not drinking, at social affairs........in the future!! That worry/excuse kept me drinking at least a couple more years........I mean, I did!! Broken down to day by day.........each day may life became more manageable, five and a half years of sobriety later, the days have added up!! But, it is still and will always be a day by day affair to keep myself sane. Thanks for the reminder....
Thanks Tracey for this post. I just got back from a houseboat trip. it was a practicing alcoholics dream! I was the only recovering alcoholic, so I had to take it one hour at a time. there were times when i was alone with all that poison, so i did take a few short trips to 'where it would lead me' if i took a drink. The trip ended up being a lot of fun and I remained sober with the help of my AA tools and my HP. They ended up with hangovers and empty wallets. The swimming and the food were plenty for me to enjoy.
It is over-whelming for most of us any other way. I've found that focusing on today helps me stay right sized with regards to all things in my life. My to do becomes way too big if I future trip. It's managable if I concentrate on what I can do right now. then I look back and realize all the amazing things, big and tiny that have happend as I put more 24's together. I love the way you emphased the 24 hour concept in writing style.