hi all things are good here. just thinking back to the first months .how close i came to giving up.i glad with everyones help i made it through it boy that was tough.now sober for some months i got a handle on my life again and ready to take a few chances in life again . thinking about investing in the rental property.i am handy so i can do alot of repairs and such myself .before i went through the doors i was to scared to do anything man has my life changed. and u keep me in the doors . at my hardest time of struggle. thanks all and god bless wagon
"Life is but a bowl of cherries--um-sigh-hmmm-forget the rest--something about gravel pits--or gravel trucks--um-I gave my 2 brain cells the day off. Ile get back to you on this one.
Easy Does it..Keep It Simple..Let Go and Let God..