Looking back, I realize just how much of my life has been spent in dwelling upon the faults of others. It provided much self-satisfaction, to be sure, but I see now just how subtle and actually perverse the process became. After all was said and done, the net effect of dwelling on the so-called faults of others was self-granted permission to remain comfortably unaware of my own defects. Do I still point my finger at others and thus self-deceptively overlook my own shortcomings?
Today I Pray
May I see that my preoccupation with the faults of others is really a smokescreen to keep me from taking a hard look at my own, as well as a way to bolster my own failing ego. May I check out the "why's" of my blaming.
Mahalo Larry...God lots of "Higher" education, rocket science recovery messages coming thru. I don't gotta do nothing but read and reflect and relearn or just newly discover. What a great thread. Blaming others for whatever reason that got me off the hook was a career of mine...now I gots lots of time to do others productive stuff and a large mirror where I can focus the only blame I need to consider.