"He is a wise man who does not grieve for the things which he has not, but rejoices for those which he has.! No matter how it is worded,our gratitude and thankfulness for another day of God's grace and blessings should always outweigh what we think we don't have. I am truly grateful for another sober day, given an opportunity to seek through prayer and meditation to improve my contact with my Higher Power and not only searching for knowledge of His will for me, but seeking His grace to carry it out. His will is having me be all He intended me to be!!,this I firmly believe....Have a blessed and productive day,and if it starts "raining" grab an umbrella,it is always available....:).
Selfishness-self-centeredness! That, we think, is the root of our troubles.
Thanks Mike. Gratitude is the hallmark of every good recovery. I remember when I started to get away from complaining and worrying about all the trivial things, my prayer life got stronger and the grace of God was freely available.
Thank you Mike. As hard as it is for me sometimes, I always try and look for the blessings in all things today. Not always easy, but there if I look hard enough for them.
I think that is truly the word of the day. I am listening to a friend who just went thru a terrible divorce. She had alot of her life style taken away which in its self is a better thing. She is having such a pity party which for a while she is due. But having a hard time to help her realize she has sooooo much to be grateful for. I was in her shoes a few years back and I try to tell her see......I made it and you will too. I know its not up to me. I just keep telling her to have faith! My heart breaks for her because I know how hard it is on the heart, but on the flip side I also know how good it got once I got honest with myself and let go and let God. I am a grateful alcoholic to be sure!!!