hmmmm-Well Op? im pretty sure this is a site that was set up for people like us in recovery by one of Gods messengers, called John, where we can all get together, and share experience, strength and hope, plus share and care, and laugh and cry, and is geared to helping ourselves and helping others.
4 or 5 years ago-there were just 2 or 3 of us on here. Hey Gal?? Look at it now!!
We got the whole world here.
And its all about sobriety and living, and relationships, venting our hurts and pain, and a lotta loving people that care for each other, as we trudge the AA road.
Its saved my life and sanity, many times, and continues to do so.
Just another part of a great support network that we all share.
Easy Does it..Keep It Simple..Let Go and Let God..
Only literature goes through a formal approval process as far as I'm aware. When AA's meet they simply try to live the concepts, steps and traditions, so there is no approval process, as far as I understand. A desire to stop drinking is all that is required to stand as a member of AA and any meeting of AA's. Any AA can begin a meeting. They don't own it, they are part of a group of AA's. Groups grow and evolve and members change, venues fall down, and life for the group goes on. That's how groups work. We come from all over the world and we meet here, online and for some it is our only form of reliable or regular meeting.
..for others it may be considered differently.
As a member of AA I approve of this meeting, because I believe I am among genuine people, who are willing to cry, yell, cheer, smile and laugh, as they trudge and dance the road of sobriety. I need to be among folks like that - or I start forgetting I can do those things too, and then my disease runs riot.
Thanks for the replies. I'm still trying to get "the hang" of this "stuff" and have questions sometimes. Just as an example, it was said someones anomynity was broken at a f2f I go to because someone else repeated what they'd said, come to find out, this person had repeated it at the "meeting after the meeting" and there was much discussion and disagreement on whether anomyity was really broken or not. I still haven't figured that one out!