"Those who do not recover are people who cannot or will not completely give themselves to this simple program...." bb pg58 If I had continued drinking beyond the point of recovery, then there would have been nothing to help me. I have seen many of my friends die like this. That is why I do not take alcoholism lightly. They can have the best sponsors and go to the best clinics money can buy, but the insanity of alcohol still remains. It's mostly the intelligent types with synthetic knowledge, but who underestimate the power of alcohol. There are 2 categories of people who do not recover. 1. "Cannot" They just do not have the capacity to grasp this simple program. They are not at fault. 2."Will not" They have the capacity, but will not acknowledge that these simple steps can work. We have to grab this offer of recovery from the beginning. "thorough from the very start." bb pg 58. "Of alcoholics who came to AA and really tried, 50% got sober at once and remained that way; 25% sobered up after some relapses, and among the remainder, those who stayed on with AA showed improvement."bb pgxx. I sobered up after just one relapse. Which category do you fall into?
Well, I guess I fall into the 25% category. It took 5 years in and out of AA to finally receive the gift. I won't say I relapsed, because I don't consider myself as ever being sober or in recovery. I think the longest I went was maybe 3 weeks, and it was miserable. All I know is thank God for finally helping me to admit defeat so he could start over and help me live a sober life, one day at a time.