How is your AA circle of friends coming along? Get busy. I know how you feel. I spent 7.5 years doing visitation, from across the state, every other weekend, but I get did kinda sad for a while when my son moved off to college (after living with me for the last 5 years of school.
I'm sorry. How about volunteering? It's such a great way to just be around other people, maybe make some new friends, and feel like you're doing something worthwhile with your time. I'm definitely a big believer in HALT as triggers and the "L" is a strong one for me. Hang in there.
{{{{Glen}}}} My kiddos live in another state, and I miss them, too (well, sometimes I'm glad to be away from some of the drama, but I miss the good times, too). My older son lived with me for a year, and even though we had some issues, I was sad when he left.
It's an adjustment, but you WILL adjust. I agree, keep yourself busy and around other people.
Mahalo Angela...That was a sponsor taught lesson...How to be alone and not lonely. It was all about self love and esteem. Great recovery higher education.
A postive only inventory might really help here Glenn. Leaning self love helped me to be around me for long periods of time without "needing" someone else to disturb the process.