Oh, what a tangled web we weave When first we practice to deceive. --Sir Walter Scott
To deceive means to fool people into believing things that are not true. As alcoholics, we did this in many ways. We lied. We hid facts. We were sneaky. While we were trying to fool other people, we also fooled ourselves. Every lie was like a knot. Pretty soon we were a tangled mess. Our lives became unmanageable, tangled webs of life.
Our recovery program an honesty program tells us how we can untangle our lives. In the First Step, we admit we are all tangled up in our life of alcoholism. Second, we realize we can fix it. Third, we decide to take on the job of fixing it, no matter how much work it takes. In Steps Four and Five, we find the knots with the help of another person. In Steps Six to Ten, we untangle these knots.
Without the tangles, our life is free and ready to be used for whatever we decide. Steps Eleven and Twelve help us find good ways to use the gift of life.
Prayer for the Day
Higher Power, thanks for giving me my life, strong as a good rope. Please help me keep it straight by being honest today with myself and others in everything I do.
Today's Action
Today I will work on straightening out one knot just one.