Hi all. Just a little update on my situation. I'll try to get to the point without going on and on. LOL
I surrendered again yesterday morning and it felt great. This is what I believe happended to me: I read a post on another website the other day that said something like "the BB and a cookbook are a lot alike. you can read a cookbook all day long, but until you put those recipes into action you're still going to starve." I felt that. I'm reading the BB, 12&12, Reflections, going to meetings but I wasn't understanding how to put what I read & heard into action. So, I desperatley needed to begin again, and the only way I knew how (still crazy) was to really start from the very beginning, so I drank a pint of beer! And I believe because I wasn't miserable or craving a drink things were going to well and i self sabotage, always have!!
Thought I'd found my sponsor, but learned she went back out recently after 9 yrs, but we talked a lot tonigh, and she's going to take me to other meetings in the area and introduce me to other women who have a lot of quality. I'm meeting her at 7pm tomorrow. This woman has everything I want, and I trust her, even if she slipped, so I plan to get a temp sponsor and when she feels ready, I will ask again.
Thanks to you all for your posts, private messages and most of all your love and support of me.
So happy to see...You are felling better. Your analogy between the cook-book and the 12 steps is a perfect example of why some of us arent able to stick to the program. Maybe it takes some of us to go out... and come back more than others. You are not alone!!!!!!!
Take for instance "The Serenity Prayer". I learned the prayer growing up.Would recite the prayer over and over.But until getting involved in AA the words didn't have much meaning. NOW....Each and every word means the world to me.
Have A Great One!!!!!!!!!!
Nancy Jo
Life is full of ups and downs
But the faces of love will
ease the pain and suffering
from:My Mother