The world continues to change and get new and better ideas, but AA has remained the same in the last 75 years. I thank God for this. Whenever I get myself into trouble, I can always go back to my program and start from basics. It's a privilege I have used over and over again. There is no need to write anything more for me in the AA book. The 12 steps of recovery and the 12 traditions have been sufficient to safe guard me from any kind of relapse. I have shared the same things over and over again. It works if I work it.
A fellow homegroup member, as we read through the 12 Traditions and study them at our meeting every week, often talks about the times through his ten years recovery when he was on a roll from time to time to try and "fix" cartain meetings or abolish certain concepts or suggestions... and he would wander away for awhile, remaining sober, but return only to find that AA with it's meetings and principles and Traditions had gotten along just fine without him, and was still thriving..
And Thank Goodness!
~Your Higher Power has not given you a longing to do that which you have no ability to do.
Absolutely Gonee. Very few things in life go unchanged, and change is what we seem to have the most problems accepting. Isn't it gratifying that AA isn't one of them.