All experience is an arch to build on. -- Henry Brooks Adams
We can learn something from any experience, even one that is painful. In fact, we often learn more from painful experiences than from pleasant ones. When we say or do something foolish or hurtful that causes us embarrassment or guilt, pain gives us a reason to learn and behave differently next time. It may hurt to be arrested for drunk driving, but the pain of that experience may be the beginning of recovery for someone who is addicted.
We can't change the experiences we have, but we can learn from them. Our life is a gift that comes wrapped in what we experience each moment. When we accept this gift and open it willingly, no matter what the wrapping looks like, we put ourselves in a position to discover unexpected treasures. We live life to the fullest, and we learn who we are as we grow. In that way, all experience is positive in building our new lives.
Today let me learn something that will help me grow in wisdom and maturity.
"We will not regret the past nor wish to shut the door on it" This promise holds very true to my days of using. The hurt and pain I caused others, the pain, embarassment, etc I caused myself. Through the freedom of AA I can claim this promis. As I can apply this to my life today in current situations, as I am still human, I still make mistakes, poor judgement or just plain selfishness. If I learn an experience and honestly work on not repeating it then I do not have regrets.
I have had a few traumatic months (and particulary past few days) extracting myself from an organization whose actions did not match their remit/PR. It has been a shock and very upsetting. I felt I had been extremely naive. It was pointed out to me that I had infact been sold a fake set of goods (metaphorically).
It actually involved a religious group whose political actions I felt went against my conscience.I have had to walk away as I could not remain and be true to myself.
From this experience I have learnt to value EVEN more greatly AA's preamble. Thank God for the wisdom of the AA pioneers. Thank God for them.
Just like your post suggests Larry, we can learn something from any experience.
This is so true for me. I try and find the lessons in everything that happen in my life today. I'm realizing that my HP is making it a little easier every day, as long as I try and keep an open mind and maintain honesty with myself (damn that's hard!!!). My signature used to be one of my favorite quotes from the big book...
"Nothing, absolutely nothing happens in Gods world by mistake"
By the grace of God, I can still live by that today.
Well I sure have learned a lot from one of the most painful experiences of my adult life as of late (divorce), often kicking and screaming and crying and even hating at times... but in this 24 hours I would not trade any of it, because of where I am at this moment. I am learning, and it is getting better as I do.
Off to a meeting.
~Your Higher Power has not given you a longing to do that which you have no ability to do.