When I got sober, I was not convinced of this fact. That was insanity. Only after spending much time in AA workshops and the BB and a relapse to top it all was I convinced. Ironically it was the solution that described the nature of the problem. The solution to alcoholism is spiritual in nature, therefore the problem must be spiritual. My alcoholic mind would not accept the spiritual. I was doomed to die, from periodic relapses and brief periods of sobriety. What a painful death for an alcoholic. The AA book with it's steps of recovery was the only way I could recover. I admitted defeat but did not believe. They did not scold me. Instead AA presented a scientific argument on spirituallity and the existence and love of a Creator. The AA description of the alcoholic, the chapter to the agnostic and personal sharing of AA members, convinced me eventually of at least the 3 pertinent ideas described in the BB pg60. From this point I could build on my recovery.