Just a thought I had while in Chicago. While we were walking around and seeing the cute little patio eateries and people enjoying their cold glasses of wine I started dreaming. I was missing being able to sit and enjoy that. But thanks to AA and the 12 steps I thought further. Ok. Sit down order a glass of white wine. yummmmmm then a second, while waiting for my dinner of course. Oh now another since the waiter was there bringing my dinner. Done with dinner and another because I don't care for sweets (yeah right) So now after 4 glasses of wine where do I go so I can sit and ENJOY something else. Better start drinking beer because im feeling buzzed and I can handle beer. find a quaint little bar because im on vacation and it is my birthday.....more beer. And then I would continue to drink till my feet wouldn't be able to carry me any further. But wait there across from our hotel is a bar. I can surely drink there because all i would have to do is walk a little ways to my room. Then a fight would start because my boyfriend would be tired but I would want to have a few more. I would think he is a whimp because he didn't like to have fun like i did. Sound familiar? So instead I just smiled at the people enjoying their wine and dinner and continued to walk on to the nearest ice cream shop and sat and enjoyed life instead!
great post! been there and justified that! isn't it a pleasant feeling to be able to say "no thanks" and have a sweet or special coffee instead? it wasn't always easy but it is a lot easier these days because of my HP and AA. The old life has split like a seed with a new and better one emerging.
A few years back hubby bought an overnite package deal to a very nice hotel north of where we live . An awesome place. As we were eating dinner in the hotel restaurant that was absolutely gorgeous I visioned myself maybe ... possibly having a drink with dinner. Then I laughed at myself, cuz I visioned me - drunk - crawling around on the floor of this place, lol.
The whole little getaway was one of the most enjoyable experiences Ive had sober
Thinking it through... you know, that is a MIRACLE, that ability to think the drink through til the end, because before AA and being restored to sanity for 24 hours, I could not--- COULD NOT--- WAS INCAPABLE OF--- considering my own past consequences from drinking. Incapable?? Of remembering consequences? NOT ABLE to remember the A + B = C???? The BB talks about this, the insanity that alcoholism drops over us like a veil at certain times, when we are without mental defense against the first drink.
I am so glad you had a mental defense, delivered by HP. It works when we work it, and you are a great example of that. Thanks for the reminder!!!!!!!!
~Your Higher Power has not given you a longing to do that which you have no ability to do.