Half the reason I post here is because I think what I have to say might be useful to someone reading these posts for the first time and thinking about quitting alcohol. So I just wanted to share that after almost 6 months in AA, I just realized that I'm not thinking about alcohol every night any more. I used to get in bed and have my glass(es) of wine every night as I read a book or watched TV until I passed out. Every night since then I would always "miss" that part of my nightly ritual... until I recently noticed that I'm not thinking about it every night anymore.
Not that I don't often think about drinking... but the mental obsession seems to be fading. So I'm evidence that eventually these feelings become less intense. Just keep stringing those days together and it will get easier.
((GG)) Oh that is so wonderful to hear. Yes I remember myself how it suddenly dawned on me that I hadn't even thought of my nightly alcohol and cough medicine cocktail. I never thought I would ever be able to sleep without it....ever. But the miracle did happen and it's happening for you too...... It's just wonderful. Thank you so much for sharing it! Lots of love Louisa xx
God removed my obsession to drink as I experienced my last drunk and I will be forever grateful for that.
I rarely think about drinking anymore and when or if I do, I immediately ask God to remove the thought. If it lingers, I talk to another AAer, usually my sponsor asap.
The connection between alcohol and sleeping is one that is really hard and takes a while to break. My sleep schedule was off for a long time...just very erratic cuz I was used to passing out drunk for so long. It gets to be a habit to use alcohol like a sleeping pill amongst other things...so yeah...it is good that this part of the lure is going away for you...This is all about "knowing a new freedom" and you are free from that routine now! Good for u!
Keep coming back. It works if you work it. So work it. You're worth it!