Morning Everyone! It never ceases to amaze me how a spiritual message comes depicting the exact spot I'm in at that point, I don't believe in coincidences so I just offer praise. This mornings spiritual message talks of 'Making friends with yesterday",Forgiveness, so we can go forward. Nine days ago,my son had robbed us ,relapsed and seemed to be going back down the road of destruction.We prayed ,turned our will and lives over to the "care" of God and got out of the way.(Difficult for the "fixers of life's problems:)We made some decisions,took action and let things happen.Now for our particular faith beliefs "we believe we are forgiven, we forgive others and ourselves.Spiritual writiings(for me) also tell me"if your brother wrongs you,rebuke him and if he repents,forgive him(and if he doesn't I still forgive him,but stay back)..Since I began my recovery I have tried to live " a turning the other cheek lifestyle, rather than grudge to the grave"approach.Don't get me wrong, I will not be a doormat and because of my street mentality I still presume you may trying to "get out on me"!Anyway,my wife told me, my son called and wanted to talk with me.It has been 9 days and Im not sure where im at ,but I remember my spiritual journey and agree to see him.You see my son has never shown repentance or even signs of being sorry,remorse etc.(doctors say its his anti-social personality disorder,whooey I SAY) for what his disease brings him to. He wanted to tell me he was sorry,we discussed his reservations(missing meds,programs,appointments etc) he was showing in his process and we agreed that being separate was the best way for all of us,for him to learn to take"personal responsibility for his life and for us to allow him to work his process in his own way. We told him all the literature,words are meaningless unless the actions of HIS life show it..We believe that our HP has put allowed trials in our lives to also help us grow"to not waste the trials of our life" and to find the learning lesson..Through the spiritual principles of our program,my 4th,5th,9th steps I am able to live "today:happy ,joyous and free each day because I can choose to .I made a friend of yesterday(forgiveness,no resentments,well as humanely possible,I am a recovering drunk)today (I have opportunity to live joyous)and tomorrow,if so granted that day,the hope and faith of what is coming as I trust in my Higher Power(the vision).We are going away for couple days and though life will continue to rain down, our hearts are lightened in the awesome blessings of our Higher Power.I come from an Italian family that in the day you wronged someone,you were "dead to the family".I could not comprehend never being able to forgive especially when I believe if I ask(and I do daily) for forgiveness,it comes when I repent..I share with you as I share with my sponsor because we are here for each other.. Bringing ourselves to freedom,sharing our guilt ,fears,shame,admitting them, see what stuff we got to unload,,humbly ask for removal,see who ;s on your list, telling those we are sorry,continuing each day to catch our shortcomings as they occur,praying for a closer ,understanding and helping the one who still suffers,gives us a guideline to a stronger ,better way of life,not only free from alcohol,mind altering substances but our real sicknesses that really show up when we walk the journey sober .lucid and aware.Thanks for listening and being here to help keep me focused One day at a time.Together we can do amazing things guiding by our Higher powers!!!This is not about religion ,but spirituality of life....
Selfishness-self-centeredness! That, we think, is the root of our troubles.
Thank you, Mike. your share has helped me decide to do more work on my step 8. Spiritualityto me is my openess to having a 2 way connection with my HP. God bless you, jj
(((Mike))) Can't express how much joy reading your post brought me. Truly anything is possible with our HPs isn't it.... Love and continued prayers to you and your family.
I was at an Alanon meeting last night (first in a long time!) - I had almost forgotten that those problem drinkers in my environment have their HPs too - and their HP is NOT me ! Ouch !
That is truly awesome Mike... at times letting our children find their own way can be so painful... yet it needs to be done... and I do believe the best growth occurs on our own... wishing you the best... enjoy your time away
"A busy mind is a sick mind. A slow mind, is a healthy mind. A still mind, is a divine mind." - Native American Centerness