I've heard a bunch of supposed time lines of recovery and I am sure none of this is written in stone...however: It was told to me that year 1 would be learning to live sober, year 2 would be learning about self, and year 3 would be learning to live with others. I can see this progression to an extent. Year 1 felt like I was clutching my AA seat and scared to death I would be struck drunk. This year has been painful but rewarding in terms of learning about myself. Grueling, but nothing worthwhile is easy and AA is not for wimps right? So...while I know I will never stop learning about myself in this program...I do look forward to being able to say "I am comfortable in my own skin" cuz I am not there yet. Also, I heard I wont have my marbles back until 5 years...that kinda sucks. Can't I have some marbles please?
Keep coming back. It works if you work it. So work it. You're worth it!
At one of my home groups we keep a cup of marbles that we give out to those celebrating an anniversary who either aren't members of the home group or announce an anniversary like 18 months (for which we don't have chips).
I've never heard of the defined timeline however it does sound familiar. I do relate to the progress though cause it has kinda, sorta been that way with me. Number 2 and 3 are a daily condition cause they are so closely related to each other. In support.
We have a meeting locally that still considers anyone under 5 years to be a new comer, and they must attend the new comers meeting. I feel sorry for those who are in the "5+ year" meeting, because they're missing out on the thing that helps me the most...the new comer. I've heard similar things about the time line. Seeing as I take my sobriety 1 day at a time, I guess I'll always be a new comer :).