A satisfied flower is one whose petals are about to fall. The most beautiful rose is one hardly more than a bud wherein the pangs and ecstacies of desire are working for larger and finer growth~ Carl Sandburg
Every one of us in the program is a flower in a beautiful garden. The ones who move down the road of recovery are blooming right and strong. The newcomer and short-timers are just buds, soon to open in a burst of energy and color. Our Higher Power tends this garden and provides us with room to grow, rich soil in which to root, ample nourishment, and the company of others. We are not all alike in this garden. We each bloom in a different color, have a different petal pattern, and release our own fragrance, and life. ( and, I'd like to add, we each do our blooming at a different time. No two flowers are going to follow the same pattern of growth.) At times we may feel uncomfortable in the garden. We may not feel as wise as some of the older flowers and may think our newness is still too bright. Yet we all belong, and we will all be nourished as long as we are within the garden walls. And just remember--dandelions are bloomers, too, so no cracks about weeds..... Chris
What a beautiful post. I wish so much that I could hear more of these. So uplifting. So refreshing. And more than that it communicates with such prowess our underlying walk with God our Father. Thank you so much, Wren.