I think you will relate to this understanding When we are in the service of our fellows are we not in the service of our God, and when we are in that service are we not divorced from self, self seeking and selfishness are we then in the moment, and in that moment is that not when we make our conscious contact with our creator, who lives moment to moment eternity to eternity time everlasting.
G I got the last sentence of that one because it is a bit larger than my meditation focus which I arrived at working with a sponsor on what is and how do I practice meditation. My sponsor led me with you can meditated 24/7 regardless of condition and I stayed in the class room on that one.
My meditation focus is, "God is." Keeping it simple I can also do that meditation 24/7 and have been able to for about 17 years now.
Joseph, Yes, I can relate. I've learned in the program that when I'm helping someone else out I not thinking about myself. Which is a good thing for an alcoholic. I've also learned that God works through people. When we are helping out another we are carrying the message and doing Gods will.