they're gonna take my Blackberry off me - not bothered i'm having IT / PC problems at work - not bothered my colleagues are busy in fighting - not bothered my quarterly review was levelled down two grades - not bothered the project i'm working on keeps getting escalated - not bothered my car is on the line, just doing enough miles to justify it - not bothered my gas bill was £500 in arrears - paid it off so not bothered I haven't been fishing this year - not bothered I haven't rode my bike enough this year - not bothered
BUT - I'm People Pleasing I'm being perfectionist I'm being arrogant I'm being fearful I'm being judgemental I'm being prideful I'm even being lustful
Am I Bovvered? Hell yes!
Time to turn down the wick, ask for help, get some serenity back in my life and do a bloody gratitude list!
Like; I got a job They pay me I live in a house I'm free I got a car and 2 bikes and 3 fishing rods I've lost 2 stones or more I have eyes to see ears to hear a nose to smell with, I can touch things, I can taste things and I have a mouth to keep shut! I have hands on teh end of my arms which are just the right length to wipe my own arse I have feet on the end of my legs which are just long enough to take a healthy 30" walking pace all my inner organs just keep on working I have enough strength and endurance to do waht I need to do on a daily basis I have a brain that's not been rotted by booze, befuddled by drugs, riddled with dementia I have friends in this fellowship, true friends who will tell me to get off the pity pot, stop beating myself up and get on with the daily business of living a life as best as I can, reminding me to take time for me, reminding me I don't have to do everything, everyday and reminding me that I am as indesipensible as the hole in the water in the bucket. (think you're indispensible, put your arm in a bucket of water, take it out and look for the hole you leave behind.)
It's not having what you want, it's wanting what you got. BB
Hey Bill! Brilliant post as usual! I am a bit of a time management expert, so I am recommending things like taking a date out on a motorcycle ride to the local lake where you drive and she carries the fishing poles, the tackle, and the air mattress, and that way you can knock out the fishing, motorcycle riding and the lust in one outing.
"You're in the right place. That's the door right there. Turn around."
TG - I can combine Bikes and Fishing and Bikes and Lust but never mi fishing and Lust - too much concentration is needed for the fishing.
Holidays in a month, 2 weeks in a cottage half way up a mountain in North Wales, private trout lake, twisty roads, stunning scenery and still less than 10 miles from a meeting. can barely wait> wonder if she's up for using the bike?
It's not having what you want, it's wanting what you got. BB