While I do the footwork and wait upon a new job opportunity, I refuse to spend another day feeling "in limbo".
So today was the day.
Put some stuff on Craigslist, unloaded a bunch of clothing from closets and some household items, did mass quantities of laundry, faxed out some resumes at the copy center.... and even took the time for a nice bath.
Headed to 2 meetings tonight, the first a 12&12 Read & Discuss, and the second a speaker meeting where I will meet up with another "re-tread" gal I have been going to meetings with lately.
Some days lately have been lackadasical (and sad-ish), and that is ok... but invariably, I am used to being active, and when I am busy, I have no time to sit around and throw pity parties. There's a'plenty to be done if we look hard enough (and open a few closets), and it never hurts to roll up one's sleeves and GET BUSY.
~Your Higher Power has not given you a longing to do that which you have no ability to do.
Joni, Nicely done. I'm a true believer that if we take action steps for improvement, God will deliver. By working the program we set up an environment for growth to take place. Looks like your environment is positioned for growth.