"Make plans but don't plan results." This is a simple phrase cautioning us against unnecessary worry and stress.
If our plans involve other people, we would be wise to work joyfully toward realizing our dreams, but we should not expect or worry if others do not want the same goals. Nor should we worry if others are not as enthused about our ideas as we are. We know, by applying the Serenity Prayer, that we can only change ourselves; we cannot force changes in others.
Another cause of unnecessary stress in planning results comes from our ingrained habit of regarding ourselves as inadequate. All too often, those of us who make plans give up on ourselves when we predict the outcome of our dreams on the basis of our past experiences. We falsely conclude that because we failed or felt empty in the past, we'll most certainly not succeed in the future; thus, we quit too soon and rationalize our resignation with a "Why bother to try?" attitude.
TODAY I will make plans but not plan results. I will work out my plan, one day at a time, knowing that my past performance is NOT an infallible indicator of my present or future success. I will look forward with hope, not despair.
wow, love the use of the word "inadequate". I have to always remember that my expectations are usually inadequate in comparison to what path is really going to lay before me if I let go and Let God.
This passage goes along with our serenity being proportional to our (lack of) expectations. And it is all true. Happier days are spent doing footwork and giving the rest to HP, instead of worrying about OUR CHOSEN results, which we aren't even sure are in our best interest!!
~Your Higher Power has not given you a longing to do that which you have no ability to do.