Saying thank you from the heart makes us feel full. Perhaps we don't really know we have something until we express our thanks for it.
There are different levels of gratitude. There is the polite, automatic response when someone opens a door for us or the bank teller tells us to have a nice day. Simple, almost perfunctory, these acts of courtesy nevertheless add an element of grace to our daily transactions.
On a more personal level, saying thank you often and sincerely to those we love keeps us from taking each other for granted. We all like to feel appreciated - how many relationships dry up because the people involved don't realize what they have?
Then there is the gratitude we feel toward the God of our understanding, the source of all the blessings we enjoy but do not create for ourselves. This thankfulness can be a part of every breath we take. As often as we remember the many gifts of every day, our emptiness is filled.
I am grateful today that the Gift of sobriety was a Gift. Not a whole lot of hoops to jump through to access it. The only requirement was a desire to stop drinking. That still is the only requirement. I am very grateful for that. Some how in a broken misshapen way the rest of the way was made clear as I was able to absorb more. Simple.
Amen brother Larry. Attitude of gratitude. Being grateful for what I have and not what I want. There would never be enough..... Because of this program I have an inner gratitude I never had before. The material (outer) things are much less important today. Thank you God.
So easy to cry in our soup,shouldN'T it be easier to thank God for all we have"another day sober"and 'WORKING" RECOVERY ....I know my God didn't spend anytime thinking He was me!! I am truly thankful for another day to try and be all He intended me to be..........Thanks Larry,gratitude can always ring a bell in our hearts!...
Selfishness-self-centeredness! That, we think, is the root of our troubles.
Thanks for the gratitude reminder, Larry. I have so many "problems" right now, but the past few days I have just been putting them aside, and being grateful for the things that are positive in my life. There will ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS be things to gripe about. But in addition, there will ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS be things to give thanks for. And giving thanks puts me in a much better position to have a great day!
~Your Higher Power has not given you a longing to do that which you have no ability to do.
"Thanks for the gratitude reminder, Larry. I have so many "problems" right now, but the past few days I have just been putting them aside, and being grateful for the things that are positive in my life. There will ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS be things to gripe about. But in addition, there will ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS be things to give thanks for. And giving thanks puts me in a much better position to have a great day!"
I know JoniJoni said it first and I'm grateful for that also.