If you have knowledge, let others light their candles at it.~ Margaret Fuller
We are seen as powerful examples every time we speak at a meeting, offer encouragement, and give supposrt to those in need. The knowlege we've gathered from the strength and hope of the program is a gift to share with others.
If we've ever seen a candlelight ceremony, we know how powerful one candle can be. Countless tapers can be lit until a room is brilliant with light. Our knowledge of the program is kept alive by a tiny candle within us. And each time we share our knowledge (esperience, strength and hope), we have the ability to light the candles of others.
Sometimes we may feel our faith and hope lessen and our candlelight begins to flicker and dim. Yet we can light our faltering candles again from the knowledge of another. We are all candlelighters to each other. This gift assures that we'll never be in the dark. We'll always have the ability to gather light and to give it.
Thank you so much, Wren. This reminds me of the saying, "The lightbulb came on", but a candle's light is so much more natural, pure, and even healing... I'd like to think my candle's flame is coming on, slowly but surely... and I hope someday it can help light the flame in others, as do so many little candles here at MIP and in the rooms of AA.
~Your Higher Power has not given you a longing to do that which you have no ability to do.
I faintly remember some commercial about recovery where people were lighting candles, passing the flame to the next person, and saying "I'm an alcoholic." I'm wondering where this came from because it really doesn't seem like AA to have ads on TV...This is like a childhood memory. It this based in reality or did I make it up?
Keep coming back. It works if you work it. So work it. You're worth it!