Well, I started work at the local rehab center this past Monday, and it's going great. I know, it's only been a few days, and I'm still giving it time, but it has been very rewarding and meaningful for me. It's cool to be able to look at dynamics of the group from the other side. I was almost instantly aware of who was there because they wanted it, and who was there because the system put them there. What I'm finding difficult is trying to be helpful without becoming a friend (and the damn coffee pot is like 4 rooms away in another part of the building).
The best part of it is, when my day is done I can walk out the door, get in my truck, and go home to the best wife and kids a drunk like me could ever hope for!
Brian, I'm happy for you. Sounds like a wonderful experience. Glad to see you acknowledged the difference between helping these folks and not being their friend, so to speak. By talking about it, it will get easier and folks in the program will assist you with that. Also, you HP will reveal more as time goes on.
Nice to see gratitude for your family. I bet they can feel that from you too.
Perhaps this is what God meant for you to be doing. Congrats Reffner
That's how I've been feeling lately. Like I posted before, I had plenty of time to pray about it, and all the answers I got seemed to point in this direction.
I have to be honest though, I REALLY need to concentrate on my reasons for doing this. My ego, if left alone, has a tendency to get out of hand, and that's a bad bad thing for me. I'm constantly praying about it and reminding myself that anything good and helpful that comes out of my mouth either came from someone else in the program, or from my HP. All I try and do is share what was shared with me, and let others know what did and did not work for me.
In my past, I always struggled with a god complex, even though I hated it when others praised me or my efforts. It's funny, I didn't want the credit, but if I didn't get the credit there would be hell to pay. I guess I was an ego maniac with an inferiority complex...
"Don't you know who I am?"...
"Do you still like me?"
Crazy stuff for sure. I can hear my sponsor saying right now: "refer to rule 62!"