I don't think people have been using this particular online site for meetings. You could try. I have not had luck with that so far. I think there are some other sites that have better attendance.
I don't think people have been using this particular online site for meetings. You could try. I have not had luck with that so far. I think there are some other sites that have better attendance.
I wound up missing it but I did meet a nice lady who invited me over to a alanon meeting that had to do with honesty which is the biggest reason I was unable to get sober. Listening to them over there was a sobering experiance. I had no idea what we put them through. I am interested in those other sites meetings you mentioned. I hope its not improper to ask for those sites. Thank You for your response.
MJD-I raise hens and sell the eggs. Not sure why thats important but its in my sig