This wednesday is our 26th anniversry of marriage(I truly love my wife more each day) and for the next couple days we took off from work to chill and renew our spirits.We have a closing on our home that we have lived in for over 20 years by end of month and still looking for a place to live,We don't know where we are going ,but God does so we're good.We are going in a little while to stay overnite at a really nice ($95.00 a night Best Western ,and around the corner to the Casino)This Casino edges on my being a good stewart of my $$$ but I and very vigilante here as I could learn to like this!!! Just for Today,(only). Anyway, after 2 failed marriages (10 years and 2 years)I think it was my HP who wrote the words"greetings pilgrim ,your search has ended"! may have also been a TV commercial?l( still may have slight touch of brain sluddging:) We will be able to pay off our house, all of our debt and start life free of the strain of being financially buried,I am eligible for Social Security and I am thinking of leaving my work,(31years)moving south(my wife wants to be near family) and maybe sell drumsticks in a music store and rock into the rest of my life's journey(and not in a chair).Almost 26 years ago ,this all looked totally hopeless and I wasnt sure if I would make the next day,let alone where God has brought me now.Having a sponsor I love,working the solution(the steps) staying connected and doing service has afforded me a joyous life in God's grace.Yes we will share in pain and heartache and be blasted by life in general,but we all know what the alternative was.I savor each and everyday.I remember my first sponsor(was mid 70's when he took me in) I used to say'Man Bob,I can't wait till this day is over! He would look at me and say"Son when you get to be my age,you'll savor every minute of every day:!!!I never fogot that... peace my friends,.early morning ramblings from a greatful drunk in recovery,only by the grace of God!!
Selfishness-self-centeredness! That, we think, is the root of our troubles.
This post reminds me that I can have a happy and fulfilled life if I stay sober. Thanks Mike for the experience, strength, and hope. And Congrats to you and yours on the anniversary! Mark
Keep coming back. It works if you work it. So work it. You're worth it!
Thanks for sharing Mike and congrats on 26 years of Marriage, Wow!!
For a while in my active alcoholism I thought I was on track to try marriage 26 times for a year. The fourth time was the charm, We have been happy for 22 years now.
Larry, -------------------------- "When one door closes, another opens; but we often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door that we do not see the one that has opened for us." - Alexander Graham Bell