Often it was while working on this Step with our sponsors or spiritual adviser that we first felt truly able to forgive others, no matter how deeply we felt they had wronged us. Our moral inventory had persuaded us that all-round forgiveness was desirable, but it was only when we resolutely tackled Step Five that we inwardly knew we'd be able to receive forgiveness and give it, too. TWELVE STEPS AND TWELVE TRADITIONS, p. 58
What a great feeling forgiveness is! What a revelation about my emotional, psychological and spiritual nature. All it takes is willingness to forgive; God will do the rest.
In the story of the Good Samaritan, the wayfarer fell among robbers and was left lying in the gutter, half dead. And a priest and a Levite both passed by on the other side of the road. But the Good Samaritan was moved with compassion and came to him and bound up his wounds and brought him to an inn and took care of him. Do I treat another alcoholic like the priest and the Levite or like the Good Samaritan?
Meditation For The Day
Never weary in prayer. When one day you see how unexpectedly your prayer has been answered, then you will deeply regret that you have prayed so little. Prayer changes things for you. Practice praying until your trust in God has become strong. And then pray on, because it has become so much a habit that you need it daily. Keep praying until prayer seems to become communion with God. That is the note on which true times of prayer should end.
Prayer For The Day
I pray that I may form the habit of daily prayer. I pray that I may find the strength I need, as a result of this communion.
(Let it be a God or Higher Power of your own understanding)
Progress not perfection.. & Practice makes Progress!
a priest and a Levite both passed by on the other side of the road.
I'm sure the Priest and The Levite weren't that bad, I'm sure they gave him their phone number, thanked him for getting robbed so they could learn from his experience and for helping keep them from getting robbed for one day and told him to stop by the Inn every day to avoid getting robbed in the future.
They just had themselves to think of you know? They were busy, and they had their own problems.
Build a man a fire and he will be warm for a night, light a man on fire and he will be warm for the rest of his life