Disclaimer: This is not my writing but it is interesting and as an Alcoholic I can identify with it.
Larry, -------------------
Alcoholics Change Their Circumstances To Fit Their Behavior
A normal way of approaching life is to change your behavior to fit your circumstances. For example, if you were a person who loved staying up late, but then landed a job that required you to get up early in the morning, youd start going to bed earlier so you could meet the demands of the job. Or if you decided you wanted a new car next year, youd start being more careful about how you spent your money so you could save for the car..
But thats not how the alcoholic mind works because they are blindly devoted to their addiction and the addiction always comes first. They wouldnt accept a new job that would hinder their drinking, nor would they save for a new car if it meant less money available for drinking. So in essence, they change everything in their entire world to fit their addiction. So anything and anyone that doesnt fit in with the addiction, doesnt remain a priority in their life for very long. Given enough time, this will actually start to include fundamental things like personal appearance and hygiene.
Larry, I have identified with every single one of these posts you have been making about alcoholic traits. Very interesting. Comforting too in a sense.
Also, reminds me of the propensity I have for those behaviours sometimes even now - WITHOUT the drink!!!!!
At least now - being aware - I can stop them in their tracks...........mostly!