I also submitted this on the Al-Anon board...My bro and I are doubles...
I once thought that when a recovering Alcoholic was taken at gun point from a meeting while on his way from the bathroom that HP could not raise the "test" bar any further. It's true he was taken at gun point (after the fact info) and was gone leaving his Al-Anon wife praying that he hadn't relapsed and was safe. She called him in missing and the car which went with him stolen and within the next 48 hours the car was located and the driver and passenger were told to leave it while the Highway Patrol called for a tow and placed a call to the wife. There was a knocking noise from the trunk and when they opened the trunk there our recovering brother was. "I didn't knock earlier because they were still in the car and one of them had an Uzi." True story and I was working for the CHIPS as a dispatcher that night. It wasn't reason for our brother to go back out so both husband and wife have their unique ESH to share with others.
What's the point and what does the thread title mean? I have a recovery brother who is also a double winner sitting in a Federal Detention Center on Oahu at this moment who has been there for over two weeks; taken from his house in cuffs by Homeland Security...not read his rights, not aware for sure what their problem is and until today without communication with the only family he has; one brother same bloodline and his very large recovery family both Al-Anon and AA. This man is the most unlikely threat to anyones security. He is a professional jazz and R&B keyboard player who had just received a very lucrative gig on a cruise ship in Europe and needed the gig to help him stay afloat financially. Homeland took him at the door to his house as he was leaving to go to Europe.
For me this is a trigger however considering that it was he and not me I have much less to sweat than he does. Even the lawyer who was to help him went on vacation leaving the task to an aide who didn't aide. All of the family now know that mentally, emotionally and spiritually he is stressed out and sick. Prayer always... Homeland Security doesn't know who I am and how very very powerful I am so they haven't called to say, "sorry we'll have him home in a second and will never do this again; please don't yell so much we can hear you 300 miles away over the Pacific. "Don't React...Don't React....Don't React". Let Go and Let God. This brother has about 20 years total Al-Anon/AA recovery experience and I don't think this will trip him up into drinking and using or me either. He's contained for what ever reason they have and the problem is I am not and need to contain myself because I have done some really stupid stuff in the past when I felt the world wasn't leaning the way it should. GOD...grate me the serenity... Just give us our brother back and help us remember that nothing ever happens by chance. ((((hugs))))
I am on my way to bed now Jerry its late here about 1;45 in the a.m I have to work in a,m but tonight im just wired,Lot of mental movement,I will fall asleep tonight thanking GOD for all my ggod fortunes and also praying myself to sleep asking God for peace and strength for you and your"bro"Have you called your sponsor? Jerry,I firmly believe God does give us 'MORE THAN WE CAN BEAR" at times to remind us to rely on him! There is where your solace lies,the sun will rise in the morning and as we say "more will be revealed.Peace keep us posted....
Selfishness-self-centeredness! That, we think, is the root of our troubles.
I don't know what to say other than my prayers will be with you and your bro.
Larry, ----------------------- Friendship is born at that moment when one person says to another: "What! You, too? Thought I was the only one." -- C. S. Lewis
Thanks family...latest word is that he won't be out anytime soon. This is confusing and crazy. The responses from those in authority have been kinda...sorta like "We lead and we are powerless". Oh I know the powerless part and it's frustrating. I got a return from the aide of one of our reps who sits on the HLS committee in WashDC and it ended up making me so p.o.ed I wanted to just spit. Turning it over cause I ain't got any power in this for sure. (but I can dream). Gotta do something supportive for him so a buncha us program people will be getting together to support his needs as best we can. Gonna fantasize about storming the prison walls for a minute or so and then come back to reality with the Serenity Prayer. Luv
Go with God Jerry and your family here at MIP will be with you in spirit! Wait for me,I'll storm the wall with you(in my mind) and always join you in prayer.More will be revealed!
Selfishness-self-centeredness! That, we think, is the root of our troubles.
Wow! What a predicament! The fact that this can be done to someone IN the USA and BY the USA is mind-boggling. I know it was probably well-meant to begin with but it could happen to anyone and that's the scary part.
I'll keep you and your bro in my prayers. There's nothing else we can do at this point, I guess. I know that probably doesn't make you feel any better, but maybe the fact that me and so many others are saying prayers does.
My God Jerry!! At this moment my head catches fire and fills my brain with dissent..... but this has to be tempered because like you suggested, can't do anything about it. Can only pray for serenity, and for this dear man. And we can also pray for God's Will, and I don't think God would be offended if just this once, we said, "Please God!!! Please have him released immediately!!!!"
With love and prayers, Joni
~Your Higher Power has not given you a longing to do that which you have no ability to do.